Reduce Stress with ADS

If you had an opportunity to take a shortcut in order to accomplish a tedious task at work, would you take it assuming it would deliver the same result? Well at The ADS Group we give you the break you need in order to get the job done in the most efficient and timely manner. As the 5th largest CD/DVD replication company in the US, we are capable of meeting clients’ needs all under one roof. No more jumping around and managing different vendors, The ADS Group is a one stop shop for video production, replication, packaging, fulfillment, and distribution. Please view short video of additional services offered. [youtube] For more information or to receive a quote, please contact: 763.449.5595...

How Much does CD Duplication Cost?

As a consumer what is the first question you want to know when making a purchasing decision? How much does it cost, right? That seems easy enough: you already know what you want, how you want it, and how much you are willing to pay, so all that is left is out of pocket cost. Here is where the frustrating part comes in; jumping through hoops in order to get from point A to point B, and getting to point B generally requires an action, such as: Contact us now! Learn more! Get a quote now!  This process is not uncommon when it comes to CD Duplication and Replication. The reason for this is we like to assess your needs in order to find the best possible pricing solution when helping you reach your purchasing decision. The thing that sets The ADS Group aside from its competitors is our great customer service and their fast response times, as well as our customization options. No project is too big or too small; we have the resources to execute your vision at an affordable rate. With that said, we can get you in the ballpark on what a generic order might cost you. The following pricing are blended national average rates across several replicators. Estimated pricing for a 1000 piece CD order:  Bulk CDs at 39ȼ a piece CDs in Jackets starting at 65ȼ a piece CDs in Jewel Cases starting at 80ȼ a piece CDs in DigiPaks starting at 95ȼ a piece I hope this helps give you an idea on how to get started on your next CD replication...

Congratulations to the winner of the Samsung Blu-Ray Player!

Brittanie Johnson!           The ADS Group is a full service media development and distribution company. Our audio and video production and CD/DVD manufacturing facilities are under one roof for a seamless delivery of your content. Click Here to learn more For more information on The ADS Group services or to request a quote, please contact us: 763.449.5595    ...

More Words in Less Space

Create a successful video for your website in 6 simple steps! Step one: Determine what you are selling and what message you want to convey to your audience. Are you launching a new product or service that you want your audience to be aware of? Is it a demonstration of how to accurately use your product? Or are you simply asserting to your audience what your company does and why they should choose you. Step two: Define your demographic. What age group, gender, level of education, ethnicity, and/or income bracket are you targeting your product or service towards? Maybe you are a small business owner selling high fashion retail through your website. Your target audience is women, in their mid to late 30’s, bachelor’s degree, career driven and making $40,000-$60,000 a year. Step Three: Decide how you are going to deliver your message. Will your product feature live footage? Will it be comical? Theatrical? Educational and genuine, or happy-go-lucky and dynamic? Then you need to figure out how you want it present. Is there going to be a narrator on or off screen? Will there be music and words? What sort of emotions and response do you want to draw from your audience? Maybe your objective is to launch your new line of women’s business suits. You are executing a video for your website that has footage of your latest fashion show and customer testimonials. You want your video to be upbeat and trendy as well as clearly demonstrate what you are selling. Step Four: Every story has a beginning, middle, and an end. That is essentially what you...

Booking it to BEA

Nothing is as simple and gratifying as purchasing a new book. The cover of a new book is always smooth and shiny; the pages lay flat and crisp. The chemical makeup of a book releases a mild odor of paper, ink, and glue as the pages flip from one to the next. The rewarding action of turning the page reveals a new sequence of words drawing its reader closer to the climax. Once the end is reached, the book can be neatly displayed on a bookshelf and referenced in future discussions. Times have changed in the book industry over the last decade due to advancements in technology. Authors and readers are no longer restricted to bookstores and libraries, instead they can choose from multiple facets of electronic devices as well as a variety of different media outlets. Even though the physical element of turning the page may be gratifying and familiar, the convenience of simply clicking a button for instant access to unlimited resources online may turn reading a bound book into an old habit. If you are an avid reader, writer, editor, or publisher, Book Expo America, located at the Javits Center in New York City is the place to be, come May 30th-June 1st. Exhibitors at BEA will be introducing a variety of new products and services on  how writers can effectively reach their readers with the use of different mediums. In addition this special event allows readers to come face to face with up–and–coming, bestseller, and, fan favorite, authors. The ADS Group will also be attending BEA to meet with new and existing clients, in addition...

PBC 2012 in NYC

The ADS Group has taken a bite out of the Big Apple and we’re here to report that it was delicious! On March 19thand 20th, we exhibited at the Publishing Business Conference, located in the beautiful Marriott Marquis. The City that Never Sleeps doesn’t disappoint when it comes to meeting up with old business partners and forging new relationships. The PBC is a wonderful opportunity to meet with the buyers of the publishing industry and learn the latest in print technology and marketing. Smaller than the upcoming Book Expo of America (BEA), the PBC show afforded the chance to chat with folks in a more intimate environment as they look for new ways to produce and promote their products in this constantly evolving industry. Sales reps John St. Martin, Al Simmons, Tom Hinton, Tracy ReiderBower and COO Connie Comeau took turns manning the booth so others could schedule meetings with some of the clients we have in the NYC area. Traffic held steady and we came back from New York with a fistful of new contacts interested in ADS On Demand and app creation and distribution. Next up on the trade show circuit, The ADS Group will be exhibiting at BEA in June. We can’t wait to see you in New...