Spring has sprung and the fever is hitting everyone – nobody wants to be inside. The sun is shining, the temps are soaring – and spring break is upon us…
…which is a great time to remind everyone to always have a sober driver.
In 2010, Minnesota reported a record LOW number of alcohol-related traffic fatalities – only 131 deaths.
We believe that this is 131 deaths too many.
On November 18th, 2005 The ADS Group lost one of our own. Michelle Newby was headed home from work on a two-lane highway in Rockford when a drunk driver crossed the center line and hit her vehicle head-on.
The ADS Group has partnered with KQRS in an audio campaign reminding people – and teens especially – not to drink and drive. There is always another option – Googling MN sober cab, for example, returns over 700,000 results.