- Know how to write. It is very important to get your name out there and on the web, this can be accomplished by marketing yourself and generating a following. Lucky for you, more and more people are expressing interest in healthy eating and lifestyle. It is important to share nutrition facts, tips on how to get rid of those unwanted love handles, how to look good naked, etc. Communication is key, so if you haven’t already, its time to jump on the social media bandwagon and start typing!
- Be inspiring. People want to be inspired, and telling clients to drop and give you 50, just doesn’t cut it anymore. As a fitness and healthy lifestyle coach you need to stand for something and use your creativity to express it to your clients. If you can get them to see the bigger picture, they will be on the right track in accomplishing their goals and you will have successfully shared your passion with others while making a difference in their lives.
- Deliver results. In order to keep your client coming back, you need to keep them engaged by doing assessments, design customized programs, and care about your client’s success. This will help motivate your client by being able to see their progress and make them want to come back for more.
- Be Unique. What do you have to offer that differentiates you from other fitness coaches in the industry? Have you designed a new workout program? Is it your personality? Have you invented a new product? Find out what this is and use it to become a leader in your craft.
- Create a Brand. As a healthy living coach you are the brand. Once you have developed a strong following, they are going to want more. Give them something to take away whether it is a book you have written, a nutrition app, or a fitness video. By offering additional products and services, you will grow in the industry and your presence will become known.
A Success Story
Angela Leigh has spent many years in the fitness industry as a trainer and healthy lifestyle coach. She coaches indoor cycling and is a master trainer for Schwinn but her real passion is yoga. When Angela first started practicing yoga, she experienced a direct kinship and connection to the practice of yoga on and off the mat. Yoga taught her new ways to channel her energy and strength and she wanted to share this with others. Angela inspires her students by taking the philosophy of yoga and weaving it into all formats and programs she teaches.
Angela has created a strong following through her career at Equinox, coaching fitness classes, personal training, as well as making a strong online presence. She recently was published in Self Magazine demonstrating her “Stacked” workout that she developed with the creative department at Equinox. Shortly after her successful PR publishing, she submitted her Stacked video into The ADS Groups “Are You a Fitness Star?” fitness contest and won!
On November 10th, 2013 Angela will be flying out to The ADS Group, a full media production facility for a 2-day video shoot of her Stacked fitness routine. She will also receive 1000 replicated and packaged DVDs of her content.
If you have completed 4 of the 5 steps above in creating a presence in the fitness industry and are ready to take the final step, contact The ADS Group’s, Studio 120 today! They have the resources and expertise to make you “the next big fitness star.” https://studio120.com/index.htm