by | Jun 12, 2012 | Charity, Community, Fun Facts, Marketing, Networking |
The ADS Group is proud to be hosting a campaign week in support of the Greater Twin Cities United Way! We’ve scheduled a week full of contests and events to raise money to fight poverty within our community. Reps at United Way are always available to help companies facilitate such a campaign and they make it very simple to do so. They provide signage and literature, and speak at your kickoff meeting about the impact our dollars make right here in our own neighborhoods. They’ll also provide a helpful list of activities other companies have successfully hosted during their own campaigns, to aid in planning. Our goal is this week is to raise both money and awareness. Small donations add up and there’s no denying the incredible power of teamwork. We’re proud of our people for embracing these events with enthusiasm – and perhaps a tiny bit of competitive spirit. Our department managers are panhandling for change today and we may have to play referee. Rumors of extortion and blackmail are flying. Nobody wants to be the manager with the least amount of funds raised, so perhaps there are threats circulating of withholding departmental services until donations are made. If you’re in the Twin Cities area and interested in hosting a campaign of your own, get in touch with Tim Anderson to find out how you can help! Tim Anderson Greater Twin Cities United Way
by | Jun 7, 2012 | Business to Business, CD/DVD Manufacturing, CDs, DVDs, Marketing, Networking, Streaming, Studio 120, The ADS Group, Tradeshows |
Big ups to the ADS Group sales team – what a show! BEA was three days of nonstop appointments and working the floor with publishers, distributors and other content providers. Everyone at Book Expo has one thing in common – a story to tell. Need a publicist? There were plenty. Need a publisher? Again, many to choose from. Need a mobile application to supplement your publication? That’s us. With The ADS Group, the mediums are myriad. Whether it’s an app, a disc or video on demand, we’re the ones to help you get your story told. Our crew tag-teamed the show while tearing all over Manhattan to meet with clients and vendors. The face time was priceless and the opportunities are exciting. Our feet, however…thats a whole different...
by | Jun 5, 2012 | CD/DVD Manufacturing, DVDs, Identity Videos, Networking, On Demand, Streaming, Studio 120, The ADS Group, Tradeshows |
The doors were flung open and the librarian-style smack-down has commenced. At the Javits Center in New York City, books are the bomb this week. We’re excited to be exhibiting again here at Book Expo of America (BEA) – a great chance to visit clients and make new connections. Mike and Mitch are raring to go, though the line for their autographs doesn’t seem to be as long as Kristi Yamaguchi’s. That’s probably just because nobody has seen Mike on figure skates lately. Our booth is nestled snugly among current clients and new friends and the traffic has been steady and enthusiastic. The excitement is palpable as everyone converges here with a shared love – the love of words. There are plenty of booths at BEA if you want a physical publication, but we are the ones to talk to for mobile apps and video on demand – and people are hungry for both. If you can’t make it, we’ll keep you apprised of highlights – but if you’re here in New York, stop by our booth, #4228, for an interactive demo…or for Mike’s...