by | Apr 21, 2014 | CD Duplication, CD/DVD Manufacturing, CDs, Closed Captioning, Cost of CD Duplication, Cost of DVD Duplication, DVDs, Film Makers, Identity Videos, Infomercials, Promotional Videos, Studio 120, The ADS Group, Twin Cities Video Production |
Professional voice artists are in high demand today because businesses are mindful of the significant roles they play in enhancing the image of a brand or company. Companies can utilize audio talent across the board anywhere from messages, and instructions, to marketing videos that require voiceovers. Before hiring a company to take on the role of voicing your message, make sure you do your diligence on finding a studio that is fully equipped to meet your needs. What to look for in an audio production company: Studio Setting- Voice artist’s recordings should be done in a qualified studio setting housing high quality sound recording equipment. This is not a job for amateurs with a microphone; it involves cutting-edge technical skills in order to create a clear sound without any disrupting background noise. Knowledgeable Staff– Speak with the studio director to get a feel its credentials. A good audio production company should have the skillsets to work with you in order to ensure your messages are conveyed accurately. A professional audio production team will align your business needs up with the appropriate voice artist that will capture the mood and feel that you’re looking for in your script. Professional Voice Talent- Make sure that the studio you are looking into hiring for your next project, houses talented voice artists. Voice talent can be considered a form of acting, and bad “acting” is bad for business. The talent should be able to articulate a pleasant and welcoming voice with impeccable grammar and immaculate enunciation in order to leave a lasting impression on the consumers mind. When shopping online for...
by | Oct 15, 2013 | ADS Contest, CD/DVD Manufacturing, COPYCATS Media, DVDs, Marketing, The ADS Group |
Know how to write. It is very important to get your name out there and on the web, this can be accomplished by marketing yourself and generating a following. Lucky for you, more and more people are expressing interest in healthy eating and lifestyle. It is important to share nutrition facts, tips on how to get rid of those unwanted love handles, how to look good naked, etc. Communication is key, so if you haven’t already, its time to jump on the social media bandwagon and start typing! Be inspiring. People want to be inspired, and telling clients to drop and give you 50, just doesn’t cut it anymore. As a fitness and healthy lifestyle coach you need to stand for something and use your creativity to express it to your clients. If you can get them to see the bigger picture, they will be on the right track in accomplishing their goals and you will have successfully shared your passion with others while making a difference in their lives. Deliver results. In order to keep your client coming back, you need to keep them engaged by doing assessments, design customized programs, and care about your client’s success. This will help motivate your client by being able to see their progress and make them want to come back for more. Be Unique. What do you have to offer that differentiates you from other fitness coaches in the industry? Have you designed a new workout program? Is it your personality? Have you invented a new product? Find out what this is and use it to become a leader in your craft. Create...