by | Nov 9, 2015 | Charity, Cities 97, Uncategorized |
It is that time of year again for the Cities 97 Sampler Volume 27 to hit local Target stores on Tuesday, November 17th. If you don’t already know, Cities 97 is a Modern adult contemporary radio station broadcasted across the Twin Cities and neighboring Wisconsin area. The annual Cities 97 Sampler release it a local treat, which is sought after by loyal listeners in the area. The sampler is a compilation of music that has been played on the station throughout the year. In addition to the Cities 97 Sampler being a great collector’s item and an enjoyable playlist, 100% of Cities 97 Sampler proceeds will be donated to Minnesota charities. This year’s Sampler will generate approximately $660,000, bringing the combined annual total to $12 million. It get even better, one dollar from every Sampler purchased will go to Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota! Every year, The ADS Group, a multi-media distribution facility, contributes to the Cities 97 Sampler. We replicate 30,000 copies of the CD to be donated to the cause. Not only is it an honor to be a part of something that has such a positive impact on the community, it is also great to see that consumers still value physical media. With streaming and downloads readily available, it is easy to lose sight of holding on to something tangible. The Cities Sampler brings value to physical media in a way that a download may not. It brings music sales back to its common root. The subsequent artists donated their Studio C performances to make the Cities 97 Sampler Volume 27 possible: 01 |...
by | Jan 16, 2014 | Business to Business, CD/DVD Manufacturing, Cities 97, Identity Videos, Industry Awards, Promotional Videos, Studio 120, The ADS Group |
The 2013 Legislators in Minnesota approved numerous changes in tax laws that will have a large impact on businesses. Among the new costs fronting Minnesota businesses is the protracted sales tax on business-to business services. Companies will now have to pay 6.875% state sales tax, in addition to any local sales tax, on three substantial categories; equipment repair, purchases of telecommunication equipment, and commercial warehousing services. The United for Jobs Coalition, led by Minnesota Chambers of Commerce are working against this asking the legislative leaders to repeal more than $300 million in new business taxes. In the initial stages of the process they defeated Governor Dayton’s sales tax on B2B transactions, but the final budget passed on the three tax categories listed above. s printing industry have stepped in as well. In an effort to convince MN legislators to repeal the recently implemented business to business taxes, PIM members and The ADS Group/Studio 120, have produced a five-minute video. The video features industry leaders voicing their apprehensions relative to how the recently executed business taxes have affected their businesses and plans for development. It is important to be aware of these tax increases for it may affect your company as well. If you would like to be a part of the coalition in working to defeat these taxes, contact our lawmakers and ask them to make this a No. 1 priority during the first week of the 2014 Legislative Session, beginning Feb. 25. For additional ways to support this initiative, contact Jennifer Byers at the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, 651.292.4673 or [kaltura-widget uiconfid=”11958342″ entryid=”1_lth6r7nx”...
by | Nov 17, 2011 | Cities 97, Community, Fun Facts, Musicians, Networking, The ADS Group |
Today’s the day! As the mercury dropped to 17 degrees last night, most of us were tucked snugly beneath our warm comforters. But 33,000 Minnesotans are braving the cold to wait in line at area Target stores for their copy of the Cities 97 Sampler, Volume 23. For $25.97, they are getting bragging rights. It’s COLD outside. For $25.97, they are getting 19 exclusive tracks recorded specifically for the Sampler by artists around the world. For $25.97, they are helping to support dozens of charities in our community. Perhaps these funds will buy comforters for those who don’t have the luxury of being snuggled beneath their own on a cold November morning. It’s cold outside, but we Minnesotans have warm hearts. Thank you to everyone for supporting this year’s...
by | Nov 10, 2011 | Business to Business, Cities 97, Community, Fun Facts, Marketing, Musicians, Networking, The ADS Group |
On November 17th, just one week away, you can purchase a Cities 97 Sampler. Volume 23 will be in Target stores across the Twin Cities beginning at 8 AM. (Tip: The Nicollet Mall Target location will open at 7 AM that day!) For $25.97, what do you get? You get a beautifully packaged copy of the exclusive Cities 97 Sampler, with tracks by Adele, David Gray, O.A.R. and more. But have you wondered what the community gets? Love. Hope. CRITICAL RESOURCES. Cities 97 and their production partners have raised millions of dollars for MN charities. Take a look at the list of charities supported by last year’s Sampler alone! Angel Foundation – LinkAnimal Humane Society – LinkApple Tree Dental – LinkBlair’s Tree of Hope – LinkBlue Star Mothers – LinkBrain Injury Association of MN – LinkBridging Inc. – LinkBryan McDonough Military Heroes Foundation – LinkChildren’s Safety Centers – LinkCommonBond Communities – LinkConKerr Cancer – A Case For Smiles – LinkEmergency Food Shelf Network – LinkEmma Norton Services – LinkFaith’s Lodge – LinkGreater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery – LinkIris Remembers – LinkJunior League of Minneapolis – Back Pack Buddies – LinkMetro Meals on Wheels – LinkMinnesota Zoo Foundation – Dreamnight at the Zoo – LinkMS Cup Benefit for MS Society of MN – LinkMuscular Dystrophy Association – Camp Courage – LinkOne Heartland – LinkOpen Arms of Minnesota – LinkPACER Center – LinkProject Homeless Connect – LinkRock The Cause – LinkRonald McDonald House – MN – LinkSecond Harvest Heartland – LinkSenior Community Services – H.O.M.E Program – LinkSharing and Caring Hands – LinkSpare Key – LinkSpecial Olympics – MN – LinkStarlight Children’s Foundation –...
by | Nov 3, 2011 | Cities 97, Community, Fun Facts, Marketing, Press, The ADS Group |
With only two weeks to go until the Cities 97 Sampler Volume 23 drops, we’re staying buzzy and busy. Today we’ve had press on site shooting footage of the manufacturing process. Stay tuned to Channel 12, WCCO 4 News, Kare 11 or Twin Cities Live for your sneak peek behind the scenes! WCCO 4 News shooting footage of replication, the process of molding a CD from raw materials These discs have been replicated and printed and are readyto head to the assembly area for packaging One of the many smiling faces behind the Cities 97 Sampler FUN FACT: Each of the 33,000 Samplers is packaged by hand Mike Johnson, News Anchor for Channel 12 Connie Comeau, our COO, chatting with the press about our involvement with this amazing...
by | Oct 31, 2011 | Cities 97, Community, Fun Facts, Marketing, Musicians, Networking, Press, The ADS Group |
The clock is ticking! Only 17 days to go until the Cities 97 Sampler Volume 23 drops.The ADS Group is buzzing with the production of this year’s sampler – we’ll be finishing up the packaging this week to get the discs distributed to Target stores in time for the much-anticipated November 17th release. Cities 97 has revealed the locale of its infamous Sampler Party. This year, we’ll be celebrating the release of Volume 23 at First Avenue on November 15th – with appearances by O.A.R. and Farewell Milwaukee – with other acts still to be announced! Stay tuned to Cities 97 for your chances to win a pair of invites to this exclusive party. Hope to see you...