Made in the USA

It has long been known that, if you have time on your hands,  your CDs and DVDs can be manufactured overseas at rock-bottom pricing. If you’re looking for a commodity product, and you plan to submit an order and let it run its course with fingers crossed, perhaps you won’t mind if your discs are made in a foreign country.  But what about the relationship? Are you going to call China the day before your project ships because you want to change the shipping information?  How will you deal with different time zones? Language barriers? Oh, and let’s not forget our speedy friends in customs and all the additional paperwork that international shipments require. Frankly, those are merely the simplest issues that arise when you work with overseas manufacturers. Consider the ramifications of having your discs manufactured in countries notorious for intellectual property pirates.  The issue of intellectual property theft is so vital that the president of the United States spoke on the subject in his state of the union message on January 24. Our optical media is replicated in house – in America – under our strict supervision in our facility employing over 150 team members. We use American suppliers and vendors, and we believe in keeping our revenue – and our payroll – here at home. We strive to be strong pillars within our community. We’re actively engaged in multiple initiatives to benefit local charities and nonprofits.  We do so not out of a sense of duty.  We do so out of a sense of gratitude. Gratitude for our dedicated team…gratitude for our suppliers…and gratitude –  most of all – for our loyal and committed customers.    We’re...

Are You Ready for Some Fooooooooooootballllllll?

Not just yet? OK, well how about some great music to get you fired up? Indiana, as we understand it, will soon be the Epicenter of Awesome. It’s Superbowl fever and it’s going to hit Indianapolis like a freight train. One of our clients, Jennie DeVoe, will be performing on the Pepsi stage in the Superbowl Village on Saturday, January 28th. What a dream come true for a talented musician – can you think of a town that will have more energy that weekend? You may not be able to make it to Indy for the weekend, but you can still check out Jennie’s music here. We wish her all the best next weekend, and wish we could be there to sing...

The Secret Skills of our Super Staff

Company potlucks are a long loved tradition. Who doesn’t enjoy sampling so much homemade food? Yesterday we held a Holiday Potluck for all of our employees and the usual (delicious) suspects were there – spicy tamales, a pot of fragrant Mexican soup, and every appetizer and sweet under the sun. We had an Ugly Sweater contest and a White Elephant gift exchange, but we didn’t think to make the potluck itself competitive. And that’s probably good, because none of us could have held a candle to Pilar, a woman who works in our assembly area. These are frosting flowers encased in flan. Each one was the size of a baseball and she made two platters full of them. Entirely edible, totally creative and absolutely stunning. When asked how long it took? Oh….just two or three DAYS.  The incredibly talented Pilar, and her supervisor Linda So even though we didn’t have a Most Creative Contribution contest for the potluck, we all know that Pilar is the winner! Thank you, Pilar, for taking the time to make our party so...

You Say You Want A Revolution???

HECK YEAH, WE DO! Bobby Z is perhaps most well-known for his days drumming with Prince & The Revolution but those of us here at ADS & COPYCATS Media know Bobby as our colleague and friend. Last year, he suffered a nearly fatal heart attack and as he’s rebounded he has committed to help spread the word about heart health. On Sunday, February 19th – for one night only – Bobby Z will join together with fellow bandmates for a rare Revolution reunion show. This is an amazing chance to get downtown for some crazy great live music, all while supporting a worthy cause. City Pages wrote it up in their Year in Music feature, which you can read here. Or, better yet, click here to purchase tickets. Show us your HEARTS,...


The ADS Group will be closed on Monday, December 26th and Monday, January 2nd. We’ll be spending time with our families and hope you’ll be doing the same. Regardless of which holidays you celebrate, please take a moment to consider those around you. The economy has been challenging for many of us and people everywhere are struggling. Is there something you could do between now and the end of the year to make someone’s day better or brighter? Buy that bell-ringer a cup of warm coffee! Carry those groceries for that elderly lady! Thank a veteran warmly and sincerely! If you have a couple of hours to invest, volunteer opportunities abound this time of year. Here are just a few websites to get you started. This holiday season, be warm and be well and if you aren’t in a position to give to others financially, please remember that actions have always spoken louder than words. Happy...

A Rock Star in Our Midst

Third from left: Jac Cornelius, one of our ROCK STAR account managers Although the bulk of our business is corporate B2B, often people hear the word CD and their mind turns immediately to music. At The ADS Group, we’ve long been proud partners to Cities 97 on their annual sampler album, which always features one or two local bands who are bursting into the scene. We aren’t a record label and we aren’t primarily an audio house, but we do love our music – and our team. From time to time, we’ll introduce you to musicians we know and love. Meet Jac Cornelius. By day, he’s an Account Manager at The ADS Group – but by night, he’s the guitarist for The Union Suits, an alt-country band here in Minneapolis. Their debut album will be out early next year and you can catch them every Sunday night at the Nomad pub. Check them out on Facebook to keep in the loop on upcoming gigs. Maybe we’ll see you at the Nomad? And who knows? Maybe YOU’LL see Jac on the Sampler some...